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  • State Actions Eroding The Local Tax Base

    Over the last two state budget cycles, numerous actions have been taken in the State Budget that severely undermine the local tax base.

  • The Advantages Of A 457(B) Savings Plan

    A smart way to help you prepare for the future as you navigate today's uncertain environment is by participating in a 457(b).

  • Packaging EPR Fact Sheet

    This fact sheet explains why NYSAC supports a product stewardship program for paper and packaging to shift responsibility for the recovery of materials in curbside recycling programs from local governments and taxpayers to producers and brand owners.

  • Three Takeaways From 2020 For Better County Management In 2021

    In an attempt to return to our ‘normal' way of life, local governments have been doing their part to achieve this. With a full year's worth of learning under their belts and resilient communities, local leaders can rely on lessons learned from the past year.

  • Connecting Hungry Families With Food Assistance

    The Food Connect Map, created by the Food Pantries for the Capital District, is an online interactive tool found on The Food Pantries' website, it is a comprehensive listing of food pantries and community meal sites across New York State.

  • WLC Resolution Recognizing Women’s History Month

    Women’s History Month is a time to recognize women in our society and elevate the contributions women are making every day.

  • Women Influencing Local Government

    This Special Supplement of ICMA’s Public Management Magazine, centers experiences of women at all career stages in local government

  • 2021 Federal Priorities

    In 2022, NYSAC has focused our efforts on securing federal support for COVID-19 recovery, preserving federal eFMAP savings, and restoring the ability to deduct state and local taxes on federal income taxes owed. 

  • NYSAC Reaction To The State Of The State

    Each day, your legislative team at NYSAC is watching the address and providing the county perspective on the proposals outlined by the Governor.

  • Federal Stimulus From The County Perspective: What’s In And What’s Out

    While the agreed upon stimulus legislation provides needed relief to families and businesses, it fails to provide direct, unrestricted aid to the states and county governments.

Contact Us

New York State Association of Counties
515 Broadway, Suite 402
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 465-1473
Fax: (518) 465-0506

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