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Public Health

  • Cannabis Law Implementation Update

    In March 2021, the Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) was signed into law to legalize adult-use cannabis in New York State.

  • At-Home STI Testing Can Help Public Health Departments Combat Rising Rates Of Infection

    With the most effective tool for controlling STI rates being timely diagnosis and treatment, LetsGetChecked's convenient and accurate at-home STI tests can help Public Health Departments overcome barriers to screening.

  • County Administrators And Managers Lead Through COVID And Beyond

    As our counties approach the close of 2021 and plan for 2022, here are some of the issues that are at the top of our lists. 

  • Competency Restoration Whitepaper

    NYSAC, in partnership with the Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors (CLMHD), has developed a series of statutory reforms to improve restoration services and reduce the county cost of restoring defendants to competency. 

  • Webinar: Planning for Safe School Re-Openings: Screening Testing 101

    This webinar explains how pooled testing can be used as a screening testing strategy in schools and share how counties could take advantage of the ELC Reopening Schools awards available through New York State. 

  • Webinar: The ABCs of PFAS - What County Officials Need to Know

    As owners, users, and regulators of water resources and protectors of public health, counties will play a critical role in addressing concerns with PFAS exposure in their communities. This webinar brings county leaders up to speed on what New York State is doing to regulate these “forever chemicals” and what resources and technologies are available to remove them from our environment and drinking water.

  • Webinar: New York State Legalized Cannabis: Now What?

    Moving cannabis out of the unregulated black market will have public health, public safety, criminal justice, and economic implications for which counties will want to prepare. This webinar provides county leaders with an overview of adult-use cannabis in New York State and begin to discuss how it will impact local governments. 

  • Webinar: Countering Vaccine Skepticism and Building Confidence

    In this webinar, we hear from national experts about strategies and messaging that county leaders and local health officials can use to reassure the public of the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine and encourage everyone eligible to get vaccinated. 

  • Cannabis Law Whitepaper

    On March 31, 2021, the Governor signed into law the Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act, A.1248A (Peoples-Stokes)/S.854A(Krueger), which legalizes adult-use cannabis with the stated goal of generating significant new revenue.

  • Connecting Hungry Families With Food Assistance

    The Food Connect Map, created by the Food Pantries for the Capital District, is an online interactive tool found on The Food Pantries' website, it is a comprehensive listing of food pantries and community meal sites across New York State.

Contact Us

New York State Association of Counties
515 Broadway, Suite 402
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 465-1473
Fax: (518) 465-0506

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